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omg you nasty

You made a girl swear!
Alien-bitch ass slut!
Alien-bitch ass slut!
Alien-you have failed your mission delivering the jainate(inaudible)crystals
to the pelopian home planet,
Alien-what the fuck are you doing,you fucking whore
Girl-Fuck you,fuck you both
Girl-suck a dick you old fag
Girl-i get to that gay scene when i feel like it,eat shit you dirty
fuck,your mom is a prostitute cockswallower
Girl-oh shit!

good job!

it was good=D
but at least he had a chair to love him:(


deus ex music!

One answer

Swat wear armour because...
You have to be quick to kill someone with gun.It's hard to hit
exactly in the knee or head or arm-you will have to actually aim.
However,just pointing at someone's huge chest and pulling trigger
will likely kill someone.Basicly,swat guy will spend less time aiming
at some body part-he'll just go for torso,big and easy to hit.
The other guy will be dead by the time he finally gets good aim at
swat's guy's head or knee.Firefights dont last long.It's about who
kills the other guy first,not,"will you HANG ON I'M TRYINA TAKE OUT YOUR KNEE?!"
It's just questions,you shoulda actually added pictures for each question.=D

Dj-FreeZe responds:

haha.. yanno... i knew this would raise a lot of questions ^_^ thats why i submitted it =]... but tell me sumthin... wouldnt it be hellah funny to see that happen.. "uhmm uh.. hold up there do0d ima just blast one in ur forehead stand still please" lol =D thanks again ^_^

good flash

Made by a murderer.
He killed 9 innocent people...
That's pretty bad,but compared to what U.S. Army did in its life-time to Innocent people alone(not armed) it's probably a tear in
an ocean.A guy goes out,and kills some people.In public.
Everyone's exited,this is some fun shit.Media all over this like flies
on shit.People get killed all the time.Right now someone is killed
for his money,religion,sex(sexual orientation),race.What's the big deal with this one? Just another killer,out of thousands or even millions.Even if he was a killer,his Artwork should stay...
It's good.Plus i bet we wont see more submission from this guy


You know in that scene,where osprey starts tilting to left,then to right and tries to land,and then it turns over and blows up?
The pilots in there were dead , man.But you know what's worse?Ospreys have soldiers sitting in there too,and they were fucking dead for SURE...Wasnt fun to me,that's as gruesome as
showing someone getting his head cut off..

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:

Didnt know.

Good job

One question please...
The shells ejected from the guns,did you actually
made several motion tweens for all of them or did you have some
script or something?
This stuff is good as always.And finally,the saviour guy got killed
...i've been waiting for that...

good stuff.

good job.
now offtopic ramblings:
they do make you take counselling if you turn stuff like that in.
Then you go to this room where a homosexual shrink asks you,
How do you feel?Have you ever been abused as a child?
Are you gay?If so,what kind of sex fantasies you have?
Do you mind if i hypnotise you,what if you have a repressed memory of your parents abusing you stuck in your mind?
They get in under your nails,and start torturing you over and over,
untill all is left a carnage,a pathetic,sobbing baby.
AHEM.Not that i had to experience something like that of course...

t3h-m4tt responds:

And then he tricks you in to thinking that you're a necrophile, when in reality all your life you've been searching for the perfect werewolf? Heavy stuff, man. Um. Ditto about the experiance thing.

Omg a clockcrew movie that did not suck

good job actually,gave me a good scare=D
nicely drawn table too

Strepitoso responds:

Glad you enjoyed it.



picking nose goblins


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