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76 Movie Reviews

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You got my 5.

It was beautiful. Hit home too, I teared up a lil bit. Now, that's ART. That's emotional impact. Good stuff.

Respect. Keep it up.


Which navi kavi song is that?


It's just boring. Great graphics and all, but what target audience did you have in mind? I sat through it without any emotion, and the conflict between background music and the character speech was rather disturbing, unsettling even. I guess it's not my sort of stuff...

Keep on truckin'

The forces of darkness, dicksmack!

Oh man, I've been waiting for you to finally submit something =D

Awesome as ever. Thank you for doing these.

Matzerath responds:

My pleasureazaufsodjkfghdkf!

Becoming quickly unoriginal.

The "we're running on street" concept worked fine for left behind, but I instantly realised that you were reusing it - even though I did not realise you were same guy who made the left behind animation (until I watched it for 15 seconds, then I thought that it has to be you). I'll get to the point - don't reuse it again. It worked awesome for the "left behind" - so just let it rest because it's quickly becoming predictable and more importantly boring. I would also suggest practising human figure drawing. I think that's about all advice I can give you.

kennsj responds:

Artistically, I can see where you're coming from. But essentially, the client wanted something like my clip for "Left Behind", and that's what I delivered.

Who are you to give commands like "don't reuse it again", though? While I appreciate the feedback, I don't particularly appreciate the supercilious tone.

It's nice that you remember my "Left Behind" clip, though.

You're repeating yourself.

The "we're running on street" concept worked fine for left behind, but I instantly realised that you were reusing it - even though I did not realise you were same guy who made the left behind animation (until I watched it for 15 seconds, then I thought that it has to be you). I'll get to the point - don't reuse it again. It worked awesome for the "left behind" - so just let it rest because it's quickly becoming predictable and more importantly boring. I would also suggest practising human figure drawing. I think that's about all advice I can give you.

You get my 5.

Keep it up, man. A bold and daring concept, might I add.
Well, it put a smile on my face. =)
I would suggest to improve on graphics, but that's about the only thing. I'm wondering what'll you come up with next !

Greetings, fellow fat-paier.

I think it was good. I also think it needed to show teh seks scene with the unicron.
In fact, it is the cartoons biggest fault - promising unickorn sexs and not showing any. That made me sad TBH.

That will be all.


"I will shoot everyone!"
Oh man,that put a tear to my eye.Keep on doing these,
they're great.



picking nose goblins


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